About “OurPursuitofPerfection.com”

Want the very best in life?

Some call it Pursuit of Excellence or Pursuit of Happiness but I prefer to use the word Perfection. We are born with a Purpose and its fulfilment is the Ultimate Goal or Perfection of Human Life.

Our Pursuit of Perfection will lead us towards the real source of Happiness, keep us motivated and free from anxiety.

Along the way, I’ll be sharing the simple and effective techniques for becoming Successful and Wealthy. These timeless techniques are amazingly powerful but usually remain hidden from the crowd.

It is not easy to stay constantly motivated about Money and Success, that’s why I have chosen a variety of topics to keep it fun and adventurous. These 4-5 key areas are crucial for leading a stress free and balanced life in this age and economy.

Now..Who am I?

I’m Vikas Rana, was brought up in India till high school. I went to Australia to do my college at the age of 17.

Worked for 15 years for some of the best known Fortune/Global 500 companies in the US, Australia and India. This gave an opportunity to interact and learn from the top brass of the Corporate World. It also meant living life to the fullest i.e. having the material opulence at young age.

After quitting the corporate world, I have returned to India to help others in their Pursuit of Material and Spiritual Riches. Do subscribe to my blog to receive the fun and adventurous articles with some very valuable nuggets. You can also reach me @ vic.rana@gmail.com if any questions.