Author Archives: admin

Top 5 Reasons to Retire at 35

Secret of Achievement

The title of this post should be “Top 5 Reasons to be Financially Free at 35” instead. It is okay to continue working if you love your job or the business that you’re in. The problem is that most of us don’t even know whether we have an option of retiring early. That’s what the corporate world does to us; it can kill the Creative, Imaginative and Adventurous side of us if we are in it for too long.

But what’s the big deal if we retire at 35 or 40? What’s in it for us? may ask.

So I have prepared top 5 reasons to retire early in current landscape: in terms of economy, our lifestyle, relationships etc. They say we only live once. With that in mind, let’s see if we have anything to gain by dropping out all of a sudden…of course with careful planning behind the scenes 🙂 .

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Cashing in on the Corporate Dream: How to Retire at 35

I got the inspiration to write this post after reading a book titled “Cashing in on the American Dream: How to Retire at 35”. This book was written by Paul Terhorst about 25 years back. The main idea is to save enough from a high paying job in the US and then move overseas (cheaper location) to live off your investments. And you do this while you’re young, living life to the fullest and doing what you really love.


Cashing in on the American Dream

Paul used to work for a major accounting firm when he retired at 35. Once quit, he never looked back. He still travels and blogs; you can get the latest updates and some tips from his blog at this link.

I’m surprised that even 30 years back, people were thinking of an Extreme Early Retirement. I guess the “Desire to Break Free” has been in our blood since time immemorial 🙂 .

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Liposuction and Love of God

Plastic Surgery

It was a short flight from Siem Reap (Angkor Wat) to Kuala Lumpur. As flight attendant catered to special meal requests, the gentleman seated next to me was also served a vegetarian meal. This person was none other but Dr Soma, the renowned Plastic Surgeon. He happened to glance over while I was reading Bhagavad Gita and doing my Japa Meditation.

After I was done with my reading, we chatted. I was taken aback when Dr Soma told me about his profession. What appreciation would a plastic surgeon have for spiritual matters?…I thought. I mean here is somebody engrossed in the bodily concept (dull matter) and I’m shooting for the highest goal of Human Life i.e. Going back Home (or reawakening our Love for the Almighty) which is purely a matter of Soul/spirit.


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Ta Prohm and Angelina Jolie


Cambodian tourism got a major push after Tomb Raider movie was shot at Ta Prohm. I’m sure many of you will be familiar with these pictures.

Apart from Angkor Wat, Ta Prohm and Bayon are the most visited temples in Siem Reap. I was very impressed with Ta Prohm, the sight is really unique.


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The people of Cambodia in B&W

I don’t think B&W pics require any explanation but I was able to capture some of the most desired shots/moments in B&W.

Here is the reminiscence of my most favorites that require few words: Though I took quite a while taking few shots but the expression remained same

Though I took quite a while taking few shots but the expression remained same

There were few musicians playing but this gentleman was totally immersed in the joy of Music

There were few musicians playing but this gentleman was totally immersed in the joy of Music.

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